[Kexi-devel] Pending reviews for we want done for 2.9 Beta 2

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at kde.org
Wed Dec 31 01:16:17 UTC 2014

On 23 December 2014 at 11:55, Roman Shtemberko <
rshtemberko at milosolutions.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> I have few suggestions on project navigator:
> 1)
> [image: Inline image 1]
> On my opinion, "Hide project navigator" button should be something like
> ​​
> :
​Good hint, noted for the future releases.

> Also, adding "Show project navigator" button (arrow right) will make sense.
> Finally, if we are to make modern look & feel it will be nice to add quick
> animation on hiding/showing.
It's more possible in a tablet (Qt Quick based) version.​ Even then
adhering to given platform's style (like Android) would be important too.

> 2)
> [image: Inline image 2]
> As with project navigator, I think these should have hide/show buttons
> (arrow-up/down, like we had before) and animation.

​. The question is how often users hide/show the sections. And why? Do you?
We'll need to know.
For now double-clicking shows/hides, with no visual information. It's not
clear if we will want to have this behaviour.

Of couse on Mac and Windows and elsewhere we'll want to adhere to
platform's behaviour as much as possible.

Also, grey color makes me intuitively think that they are inactive (why not
> just black?).

It's quite popular to make the headers distinct look compared to regular
(selectable/active) items.


- ​Dolphin​

​(even for Plasma 4)​
: http://i.imgur.com/Yd4raq4.png
    and it uses this also for group titles:

​- Mac interfaces (eg. Finder):

OTOH, the new Outlook on Mac has it black but another nice property:
ALLCAPS that someone may like. The idea is to have distinct look, again
compared to the items.

> And one more thing: what do you think if we add some "add" button on right
> side of Tables, Queries, ... ?
> Something like this.
​We'll experiment with having it somewhere for Kexi 3.x.
For now we don't want to compete with the Create tab.
Please note that the

*​ If the above explanation are fair enough for you, please ​*

*​ click Ship It.​ I'll push assuming nobody else reports a blocking
BTW, I remember Adam has noted direct access to deleting actions is lost
now. This will be back in a form of a small icon on items -- later, before
2.9 stable.

> #121389 <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/121389/> works okay for me.

Thanks. ​Pushed.​

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

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