[Kexi-devel] Source for KOffice 1.6.2 has been uploaded

Michael Nottebrock lofi at freebsd.org
Thu Feb 15 12:53:26 CET 2007

On Thursday, 15. February 2007 11:51, Jarosław Staniek wrote:

> > You (Jaroslaw) cannot possibly be serious, both about libpqxx's decision
> > to retire a long-obsolete API being "ugly" and suggesting that packagers
> > should ignore an important update just so kexi will compile.
> The changes in pqxx we have problem with are related to API. I think we
> agreed this is not something one expect from minor release.

The lesson to be learned there is to improve communication with upstream 
client library developers, I suppose. In any case, laying blame is beside the 
point, the damage is done.

> Especially that 
> the topic is covered when KOffice is tagged, so patches that "at least
> compile" are not enough, although thanks for providing them - we can
> publish them within the release notes for users of pqxx 2.6.9.

How about testing them then? Tags can be slipped, releases can be delayed. 
There's not much point in releasing bugfix releases with known bugs.

   ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               | lofi at freebsd.org
 (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     | http://www.freebsd.org
   \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD | http://freebsd.kde.org
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