[Kexi-devel] opening kexidb file with kexi

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Sun Dec 17 18:28:34 CET 2006

Robby Stephenson said the following, On 2006-12-17 04:12:
> Hi,
> I've got another question. Is it possible to fix something so that Kexi, the 
> app, can open a sqlite file created by another app using KexiDB? Right now, 
> I get an error about the kexi__parts table not existing. Is that a bad 
> thing, or could it possibly be a non-fatal warning instead?
> Or perhaps, something in KexiDB is not creating the kexi_parts table in the 
> first place and it should be?
> Basically, I was dumping data into a file with Tellico, and wanted to browse 
> the database using Kexi. Is that feasible?

First, I recommend to read the Kexi FAQ [1].

You need to "import" the database in order to allow Kexi to recognize the 
database schema, data types, etc. This is performed using the "tools->import 
database". The bad news is that source databse can be only 
postgresql/mysql/msacess for now - not yet sqlite (it just was not as high 
priority as for other databases). Answer #4.2 in the FAQ shows the temporary 

 > Thanks! I'm sure I'll be having a bunch more questions in the near future,
 > so I hope I don't get too annoying! :)


[1] http://kexi-project.org/faq.html

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
  Sponsored by OpenOffice Polska (http://www.openoffice.com.pl/en) to work on
  Kexi & KOffice: http://www.kexi-project.org, http://www.koffice.org
  KDE3 & KDE4 Libraries for MS Windows: http://kdelibs.com, http://www.kde.org

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