[Kexi-devel] Proposal: Simplify KROSS namespaces

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Sat Nov 26 21:14:26 CET 2005

Notice: this is only proposal.

R1: Because I am alergic about OpenOffice.org's Java-like insanely deep 
namespaces. What do you think?

R2: Inspecting recent version of Kexi API Docs I noticed on 
http://www.kexi-project.org/docs/svn-api/html/annotated.html that Doxygen was 
fooled about "Class" classname. I an not surprised because there is 3rd level 
of namespace used. Thus I come to following ideas:

1. namespaces in kexidb bindings:
For now things like Kross::KexiDB::KexiDBConnectionData are used.
Could be simplified to less redundant Kross::KexiDB::ConnectionData. I would 
even prefer Kross::KexiDBConnectionData. The same for any other KexiDB classes.

2. KROSS API namespaces
E.g. Kross::Api::Class<KexiDBConnectionData> is used.
What about flattening such things to to KrossApi::Class<KexiDBConnectionData>?

3. Use above in similar cases to glue Kross::Something to a single identifier.

PS: One day when KROSS make a jump into kdelibs the neamespaces would be 
flattened anyway.

regards / pozdrawiam,
  Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska
  Kexi Developer:
      http://www.kexi-project.org | http://koffice.org/kexi
  Kexi support:
  KDE3, KDE4 libraries for developing MS Windows applications:

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