[Kexi-devel] [PATCH] mdbtools: mdb_set_encoding

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Fri Nov 25 20:36:18 CET 2005

1. A patch for mdbtools
a) Previously, it was necesary to deal with environment variables to set  upo 
ICONV corectly. It is _not_ per-MdbHandle, so mdb_set_encoding(MdbHandle*, 
const char*) function has been added.
b) on win32, default code page is autodetected, as chances are most of user's 
databases have the same CP as their system

2. keximdb update for current api + fix for encodings

regards / pozdrawiam,
  Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska
  Kexi Developer:
      http://www.kexi-project.org | http://koffice.org/kexi
  Kexi support:
  KDE3, KDE4 libraries for developing MS Windows applications:
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