[Kexi-devel] addition (2)

Sebastian Sauer mail at dipe.org
Fri Nov 18 16:35:33 CET 2005

Just some points I forgot to say;

The output should be escaped before written cause else if some fieldtext like 
"this is my <h1>text</h1>" got evaluated as html. So, it may better to use 
QString escapedexpobjname = 
QStyleSheet::escape( m_migrateData->exportObjectName )
and write the escapedexpobjname...

I didn't test it my patch compiles. Well, at least a 
#include <qdate.h>
is missing :)

Sebastian Sauer aka dipesh[sebsauer]
Fingerprint: 8F1E 219B 16E6 4EC7 29CC F408 E193 65E2 9134 2221
Coder in http://www.koffice.org/kexi && http://www.kmldonkey.org
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