[Kexi-devel] addition

Sebastian Sauer mail at dipe.org
Fri Nov 18 16:04:43 CET 2005

Hi *,

nice work done Adam! Attached is a little patch that does following;

- export to XHTML rather then HTML cause that would enable using the produced 
output in XML-parsers too and it doesn't make a difference for browsers. I 
set it to "strict" what means, it needs to be wellformed!

- tags are lowercased. I don't really remember if it was a w3c-suggestion or 
just one of those codingstyles. hmmm... anyway, it can't hurt :)

- the <meta> tags should look like <meta /> to be valid xml/xhtml and let them 
use the doublin core schema.

- added DC.date.created <meta>-tag. I am not sure there if the date needs to 
be ISO (year-month-day) or not... well, it's a good idea to write the date 
the file was produced anyway.

- removed <p> tag cause it's not wellformed. It needs to be <p /> or <p></p>.

- removed the "90%" at the <table>-tag. Hmmm, please feel free to readd it. 
What's needed is a to replace the border=0 with border="0" else it may be 
invalid / not wellformed.

That's all :-)

Sebastian Sauer aka dipesh[sebsauer]
Fingerprint: 8F1E 219B 16E6 4EC7 29CC F408 E193 65E2 9134 2221
Coder in http://www.koffice.org/kexi && http://www.kmldonkey.org
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