Load custom plugin that isn't in the kdevelop tree

Πέτρος Σιλιγκούνας petross404 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 06:03:40 BST 2020

Hello everyone, I just want to ask how can I load a plugin with KDevelop. I
am talking about kdev-sourceinfo which I want ti hack further and maybe
change it's purpose to showing assembly instructions next to C/C++ ones.

I am a mac os x user which installed KDevelop with brew. So all I have for
installation directory for KDevelop (and other kde apps) is
/User/petros/Applications/KDE/kdevelop.app/ and I have no idea on how to
copy my *.so of the plugin here.

Building manually and installing kdevelop on /usr/local came along with all
sorts of problems as it couldn't find the libcocoa.dylib for the
QT_PLUGIN_PATH and messed up the original installation of brew.

Can someone point me out how a plugin is tested before it actually moves
into the kdevelop tree?

All the best

Σιλιγκούνας Γ. Πέτρος
Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός Τ.Ε.
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