Parsing issues with libclang5 on kdevelop 5.2.1

Mathias Kraus k.hias at
Thu Feb 8 23:14:42 GMT 2018

Am Dienstag, 6. Februar 2018, 10:41:40 CET schrieb Milian Wolff:
> On Monday, February 5, 2018 10:44:17 PM CET Mathias Kraus wrote:
> > Does anyone have problems with parsing when using kdevelop 5.2.1 with
> > libclang5. I'm using KDE neon which ships libclang5 since a few weeks and I
> > had problems with parsing since then, e.g. displayed error for connection
> > Qt signals and slots. Just reverted back to libclang4  and everything is
> > fine again.
> I have seen one issue myself, so maybe that's also it. To verify: Can you 
> please do the following:
> In one of the erroneous files, open the Problems tool view, select "show 
> imports" and then inspect the errors that you see? 
> In my case, I've sometimes seen issues with the maximum template instantiation 
> depth being reached, leading to dozens of errors which eventually let the 
> parser give up. Is that the case for you too?

There are many errors, but it seems they are not related to template instantiation.

> Can you fix it by increasing the 
> instantiation depth via the project settings -> custom defines/includes -> 
> compilers -> add -ftemplate-depth=1024 or even something higher?

I couldn't find something like that. Did you mean this?
Project -> Open Configuration -> Language Support -> Defines Tab

I could create a minimal example and upload it somewhere if it helps.

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