git status --porcelain error?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Mon Jan 9 13:34:53 GMT 2017

On Monday January 9 2017 12:46:16 Kevin Funk wrote:

>I don't think that's necessary. Showing the git output as-is is already quite 

I was thinking about something like this:

@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ void DVcsJob::slotProcessError( QProcess::ProcessError err )
     qCDebug(VCS) << "Found an error while running" << displayCommand << ":" << errorValue
                                                      << "Exit code is:" << d->childproc->exitCode();
     qCDebug(VCS) << "Error:" << completeErrorText;
-    displayOutput(QString::fromLocal8Bit(d->errorOutput));
-    d->model->appendLine(i18n("Command finished with error %1.", errorValue));
+//     displayOutput(QString::fromLocal8Bit(d->errorOutput));
+    d->model->appendLine(i18n("%1 (%2).", completeErrorText, errorValue));
     if(verbosity()==Silent) {

>What /could/ make sense is to elaborate what `FailedToStart` means for the 

Yeah, but that's not going to tell *me* anything. I don't need hints what the error means but why it happens ;)

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