New version debugger issue.

Leon Pollak leonp at
Thu Jul 16 08:03:49 BST 2015

On Wednesday 15 July 2015 18:02:59 Funkster wrote:
> Funkster <ollyatwork at ...> writes:
> >    I'll try to confirm / deny it being a general remote debugging issue
> > later, as I have other projects where I remote debug to other Linux ARM 
> > x86 targets via gdbserver rather than OpenOCD. The path of connections is
> > very different...
> It appears to affect remote debugging generally, which should make this much
> easier for others to reproduce as you don't need any ARM hardware.
> Currently remote debugging as follows (this combination works perfectly in
> KDevelop 4.7.0):
> local native gdb v7.7.1-21.fc20 (64bit)
> tcp connection to
> target gdbserver x86 (32bit) v6.8
> When I hit debug, KDevelop pops up 3 dialogs saying:
> ---Internal debugger error---
> The exception is: MI type error
> The MI response is: ^done,threads=[{id="1",target-id="Thread
> current-thread-id="1"
> The remote GDBServer does get a connection, however, and if I press OK on
> all the dialogs and press continue, the program *does* execute. BUT I cannot
> interrupt it and breakpoints do nothing, so this is similar to how the
> embedded ARM target behaves (i.e. debugging is useless).
> Any chance one of the developers can try to reproduce this?
Bravo! Great!
This is exactly the situation I have with ARM! And exact behavior!
Did you file the report as Milian asked?

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