New version debugger issue.

Leon Pollak leonp at
Wed Jul 15 11:55:47 BST 2015

On Wednesday 15 July 2015 12:50:42 you wrote:
> It would be really good to have your help there, Leon.
> You are the one who can reproduce the issue, if any patch needs to
> happen, we'll review it gladly.
Hi, Aleix.

I do not understand a thing in kdevelop programming as I am an embedded 
But I am very glad to test or provide any possible information to debug the 
issue, if instructed what to do.

            Dr.Leon M.Pollak
       PLR Information Systems Ltd.
Tel.:+972-98657670  |  POB 8130, Giborei Israel 5a,
Fax.:+972-98657621  |  Poleg Industrial Zone,
Mob.:+972-544739246 |  Netanya, 42504, Israel.

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