xdebug plugin question

Niko Sams niko.sams at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 19:21:15 GMT 2014


seems like xdebug on the php side is not working.
is it enabled correctly? can you post the php --info output?
And can you post the called command as it is shown in the "Debug" tool view?


On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Werner Joss
<werner at hoernerfranzracing.de> wrote:
> Am Freitag, 24. Januar 2014, 15:34:36 schrieb Werner Joss:
>> I'm currently trying to get the xdbug plugin to work, and it seems I'm
>> almost there, but not quite, really :)
>> here's what I did:
>> -     install everything mentioned
>> here:http://nikosams.blogspot.co.at/2010/02/kdevelop-xdebug-php-debugger.htm
>> l -   all the plugins show up in kdevelop->settings->show modules
>> -     created/configured launch configuration for remote debugging on my home
>> server
>> now, I can do 'execute launch' and the php page configured is correctly
>> showing up in my browser.
>> I also can do 'run->debug launch' but this just gives me an unresponsive
>> debug tab in kdevelop, showing my code w/o breakpoints and an empty
>> variables tab to the left.
>> no 'step', 'continue' or any other execution controls active, just nothing.
>> what am I missing ?
>> Werner
>> p.s.: this is kdevelop 4.5.1 from kubuntu
> update: I just tried the most simple example: a local cli script.
> again, I can start it with execute and it runs directly as expected.
> but, well, debugging is still not possible:
> the script is obviously entered, then waits ~8 seconds, after that, it runs as
> with 'execute' to end, just completely ignoring breakpoints, also, not showing
> any variable values in the left pane.
> screenshot: http://picpaste.com/php_xdebug_err1-rypnikRQ.png
> Werner
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