[kdevplatform] shell: Favour strongly distinct working set icons

Leon Pollak leonp at plris.com
Tue Dec 24 14:13:55 GMT 2013

On Tuesday 24 December 2013 13:58:07 Sven Brauch wrote:
> Ok, I understand that. But assigning random letters instead won't help
> much, will it?
> Configurable letters and numbers might help, but then you need a UI to
> configure them. Suggestions are welcome, but opening a dialog when
> the set is created is out of question.
I see.
Two questions:
1. May it be the default letter in the natural order a,b,c?
New letters are assigned sequentially. When 'z' is reached the next will 
be the next FREE place starting from 'a'?
2. Can there be an option to change a letter (desired, but not 
mandatory, because even arbitrary assigned letter is much simpler to 
remember, than an icon)?

Many Thanks

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