Kdevelop and audio without KDE

Gunther Piez gupiez at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 17:38:47 BST 2012

On 07.10.2012 15:02, dAgeCKo wrote:

If you use a source based distribution like Gentoo, it is simple:
Rebuild without the appropriate USE flags (-phonon). Thats how I got rid
of it and other crap^H^H^H^H stuff like semantic-desktop. If you cut
down the non working pre alpha stuff still present, kde is actually
quite usable and functional :-)

I don't know if a similar mechanism exists in Debian, but if you don't
use kde besides in kdevelop you could build kdelibs and kdevelop by
yourself and disable everything except the stuff you need in 'configure'.

- Gunther

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