Kdevelop and audio without KDE
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Sun Oct 7 19:32:04 BST 2012
On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 3:02 PM, dAgeCKo <dagecko at free.fr> wrote:
> Unfortunately, since last year I am reconsidering to use it. I recently
> moved to qtcreator for the reasons below.
> Indeed, I am facing several issues with kdevelop: instability (bug reported
> to debian and classified with the hope_it_will_be_solved_on
> _the_next_release which is not programmed soon since wheezy got frozen)
Unless they reported the bug upstream your chance of seeing it fixed
is rather low. In addition you could build kdevelop yourself from
sources to get more up-to-date versions, it seldomly raises its
minimum required kdelibs version and should still build and work with
4.6 or so.
> I play electric guitar and I plug my guitar into my sound card and I enjoy
> to use jack for this. Unfortunately, jack does not go well with pulse audio.
> So I uninstalled any pulseaudio components from my computer. With this way,
> I can use jack very well, without bugs.
> Unfortunately, kdevelop uses the kdelibs which uses phonon for the audio
> stuff which uses pulse.
> My question is: how far is it (easily) possible to have kdevelop installed
> on my computer without the audio stuff ? I know the question is more related
> to kdelibs, but since the question is about kdevelop, I am hoping someone
> who uses kdevelop already did that.
I'm not sure right now which Qt libs pull in phonon right now, but you
could try to build kdevelop without the plasma-using parts. Looking at
QtCreator's dependencies it seems webkit doesn't have a phonon
dependency but rather links against gstreamer these days. Our website
has instructions on building from source, just make sure that
libplasma* is de-installed before starting.
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