Compile current file only (cmake project)

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at
Thu Nov 8 14:04:56 GMT 2012

On 8 November 2012 13:43, Michael Hart < at> wrote:
> I can see the general advantages of this method building a selected set of
> files of a project. But, most people don't need such a general mechanism;
> most people only want to focus on a single file....

If I may, as a user, I'd reason this way:
There are distinct commands to compile a single file or a build a
binary from command line,
so I bet most users would expect to have similar commands exposed by a
GUI based IDE.

> This is method is really a non obvious  complicated way to accumplish such a task (really we all
> should at some point start working on some meaningful tutorials) . eg

That  would be awesome!.

> It has take me almost a year, thanks to your recent comments in this thread, to now
> know how to compile a single file....
> shhhhhh!!! what a pain....

It's been almst a year now, and I still haven't managed [0] to understand
correct and robust CMake workflow in kdevelop juggling
multiple build configurations and destinations for a single project,
when I need to hit (re)configure in kdevelop,
if/when I need to purge CMakeCache.txt,
what are limitations comparing with command line.
IOW, how to translate typical CMake workflow on Unix to kdevelop.

Some readings [1] really confuse the matter:

"After clicking “Ok” KDevelop will read and parse the CMakeCache.txt file and
show its contents. You can edit it here if you want to."

Hmm, CMakeCache.txt?! Edit it?!

I miss a comprehensive tutorial so much :)


Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot,

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