Upgraded from 4.1 -> 4.2.3, unable to find project headers

Gaetano Mendola mendola at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 14:09:55 GMT 2012

Hi all,
after the upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2.3 Kdevelop is not able anymore to resolve
the include files on some of my file.
The project uses CMake and while 4.1 it seems was able to "discover" correctly
all the include paths the version 4.2.3 seems to have some difficulties.

As example this is what I get on the problem list with 4.2.3 opening
one of my source files:

Include path resolver: Makefile is missing in folder
Included file was not found: Channels/genericspec.h
Included file was not found: Channels/PF2001/pf2001def.h
Included file was not found: Channels/PF2001/pf2001channel.h
Included file was not found:
Included file was not found: PowerControl/powercontrolledspec.h
Included file was not found: PowerControl/Algorithms/statediscoveringalgorithm.h
Declaration not found: PowerControlledSpec
Declaration not found: PowerControlledSpec
Declaration not found: thePowerControlAlgorithm
Declaration not found: theChannelSpec
Declaration not found: computeSeed
Declaration not found: theMaxAttempts

note that opening the same file with kdevelop 4.1 all works fine.

The Makefile is missing on
because that is located in
the build directory that is actualy:

I guess something changed from 4.2.3 to 4.1.

I did try as well with the Kdevelop released with kubuntu 12.04 beta 1 that is:

KDevelop 4.2.90
Using KDE Development Platform 4.8.1

and it's affected by the very same issue.

Is there something new to setup with those new versions ?

Gaetano Mendola


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