Kdevelop memory usage

Mahmood Naderan nt_mahmood at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 22 05:27:20 GMT 2011

>No. If your project is open source, tell us what it is so someone can try 
>loading the entire thing. However, if you can't share the project, I think 
>we can't do anything about it.

It is open source http://parsa.epfl.ch/simflex/software/Flexus-4.0.0.tar.gz
// Naderan *Mahmood;

From: Nicolas Alvarez <nicolas.alvarez at gmail.com>
To: kdevelop at kdevelop.org
Sent: Sat, January 22, 2011 5:34:24 AM
Subject: Re: Kdevelop memory usage

Mahmood Naderan wrote:
>>project/file/... which triggers abnormal high memory usage in KDevelop so
>>we can try to improve it.
> Sorry what? You mean number of files in the project directory?
> // Naderan *Mahmood;

No. If your project is open source, tell us what it is so someone can try 
loading the entire thing. However, if you can't share the project, I think 
we can't do anything about it.


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