Cannot detach tool views and editor?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Feb 1 08:28:14 GMT 2011

On 01.02.11 16:19:58, Alexandre Courbot wrote:
> The tool views are especially great, but there is one limitation that takes
> some of their greatness away. Like many people today, I program on a dual
> screen configuration. One screen is vertical and contains my main code
> window - the second is horizontal and holds documentation and other stuff.
> What I would love to do is to have the main window (or text editor part) on
> the vertical screen, and be able to detach useful tool views and place them
> on the second screen. I have looked for a way to do this, but haven't been
> able to find it. Is it possible at all?


> If not, is there any reason for this behavior?

Solely technical ones, the code that handles the mainwindow layouting
does not support detaching currently and so far nobody stepped up to add
that. The original author has no time anymore for kdev hacking
unfortunately, though I believe he did start a new version of the
library at some point.


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