
Lambert CLARA lambert.clara at
Sat Dec 31 16:49:39 GMT 2011


I hit this bug too, and I got the answer from IRC : it was because I got 
a corrupted plugin in my installation folder.
Remove (and kdevindent.desktop), and try again.


Le 31/12/2011 14:36, Leon Pollak a écrit :
> On Saturday 31 December 2011 08:06:04 David Narvaez wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Leon Pollak<leonp at>  wrote:
>>> I open my projects with the last git-master and give it time to calm
>>> down... Then, I open "Settings"->"Configure kdevelop" - this opens the
>>> dialog with different configuration options groups.
>>> Now, simply press groups names one by one (to open the options):
>>> "Language support", "User interface", "Projects", "Background parser".
>>> Pressing "Source formatting" causes kdevelop to crash immediately in my
>>> case. Can somebody confirm this crash?
>>> Thanks.
>> I occasionally hit this bug, but the mailing list is not the place to
>> post bugs, it's Bugzilla[0]. File a bug there and I will add my
>> comments.
>> David E. Narvaez
> Thanks David.
> Most of the times I refrain from filling bug report, because I am not sure
> that the issue is the real bug and not a coincidence of problems in my
> installation and environment.
> If someone will confirm the issue, I am more convinced that the problem is in
> application and not in my computer. Is it a wrong approach?
> I filled the bug report 290256.
> Thank you.

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