kdevelop on linux kernel sources shows no uses of structure fields

Jeff Haran jharan at bytemobile.com
Tue Dec 13 02:56:58 GMT 2011


I am using Kdevelop version 4.2.3 on a Fedora Linux PC. I imported a
linux kernel source tree (linux kernel version 2.6.32) into it as a
project. After a few hours, this importation appeared to complete.

When I open the source file include/linux/skbuff.h and hover the mouse
cursor over the following declaration in the definition of the sk_buff

	__u32		priority;

A window pops up that says:

	__u32 priority
	Container: sk_buff Access: public Kind: variable definition
	Decl: skbuff.h: 339 Show Uses

I then click "Show Uses" hoping to see where this structure field is
referenced. A window then pops up that says:

	Uses of sk_buff::priority
	File: <path>/skbuff.h    (0 uses)
	Line 339 __u32 priority:

It apparently thinks that the field is never referenced. I know from
code inspection that this is not the case. When I do the same on other
fields of struct sk_buff, the same thing happens, "0 uses" is shown.

Is there some other step that necessary in order to get Kdevelop to show
me where structure fields are referenced?


Jeff Haran

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