KDevelop 4.1 start error

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Oct 30 14:23:37 BST 2010

On 30.10.10 19:56:27, Robin Atwood wrote:
> I just installed the latest kdevelop 4.1 and when I start it I get a message 
> box:
> "Could not load project management plugin KDevCMakeManager."
> followed by:
> "project importing plugin (KDevCMakeManager) does not support the 
> IProjectFileManager interface."
> and when the main window opens none of the panes on the left side are visible 
> (Projects, File system, etc). This makes it kinda unusable. :(

kdevelop does not find any plugins. If you installed from packages a
simple kbuildsycoca4 might be enough. Otherwise an additional check of
KDEDIRS should be done.


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