PHP Code Editing

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Mar 30 18:28:41 BST 2010

On 30.03.10 09:06:08, Nathan England wrote:
> I lost some functionality after the last update from 3.9.97 to 3.9.98 and
> again in 3.9.99 and I'm sure I am just missing it somewhere. Previously,
> while working on a .php form, I could select a word or string and then press
> SHIFT and " and the editor would put a double quote on each end of the
> selected word or string. Did this functionality go away or am I dreaming?

Thats done by kate, so I suggest to ask on irc in #kate. That said this
still works for me in both KDE4.3 and KDE4.5, so might be something on
your system.


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