[GSoC Proposal] Better Version control front-end

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Mar 30 18:28:04 BST 2010

On 30.03.10 18:48:42, Miha Čančula wrote:
> Dne ponedeljek 29 marca 2010 ob 12:23:01 je Andreas Pakulat napisal(a):
> > On 29.03.10 10:49:50, Miha Čančula wrote:
> > >  - Branch viewer/manager (branching VC)
> > >  - Local and remote repository tracker (distributed VC)
> > 
> > These are some of the things really missing, especially since they enable
> > creation of project from a VCS.
> I'm sorry but I don't really understand what you mean here.

What I mean is that a remote repository tracker/viewer is something
thats needed to checkout a project from VCS and open it inside KDevelop
without leaving the IDE. Thats something thats really missing right now.

> > > Additionaly, I would add "Import from KDE SVN" and "Import from
> > > Gitorious" options next to "Import existing project". This could be
> > > paired with one-click exports of new projects to the same servers.
> > 
> > I'm not sure how much sense these "shortcuts" make as its basically just
> > the url-typing you save and eventually not even that as you'll have to
> > provide the protocol anyway.
> It would simplify making a quick patch to something in KDE's SVN tree, 
> especially combined with patch export. I don't know how common a use case this 
> is, but it would be easier that checking out from the command line and then 
> imporing.

I wasn't talking about checking out from commandline, I did mean
checking out inside KDevelop with a repo browser you can have kde's svn
configured once and then easily check out any subproject from that.

> Apart from what was already mentioned, are there any other VCS features that 
> would benefit from a new interface? I use little more that commiting and 
> updating, but I suppose there might be some features that I don't use but 
> would be useful to others. 

As I don't use KDevelop for VCS at all I can't really comment on that.


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