Qt designer

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Mar 8 00:31:31 GMT 2009

On 07.03.09 19:02:57, DavJTanner at aol.com wrote:
> I am running Gentoo linux.
> I recently emerged kde and kdevelop.  When I invoke Qt designer, it is  
> defective.
> The buttons are blank.  I can't find any way to make a new slot or  make any 
> code.
> Versions:
> kde: 3.5.9,
> kdevelop: 3.5.2,
> qt 4: 4.3.3,
> Qt designer: 4.3.3.
> This is probably a Gentoo issue, but I wonder if you have heard of  it?

So you're using the standalone Qt4 designer? If so I suggest to ask in the
qt-interest list or file a bugreport with Gentoo. I've never seen Qt4
designer have no icons on the buttons.

Note though that Qt4 designer doesn't support the same kind of
slot-creation that Qt3 designer supported. You can instruct it to expect a
given slot, so it'll generate a connect statement, but there's no
code-editing inside Qt4 designer, so you have to declare and define the
slot outside (i.e. in kdevelop) yourself.


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