Cmake and Kdevelop.

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Jan 26 09:57:52 GMT 2009

On 26.01.09 10:02:45, S. G. wrote:
> I can't get Kdevelop to pick paths to includes...
> I've found, in Project Options, C++ support tab, a form to provide custom
> include paths. When I pass my mouse over, I get this tip: "A
> semicolon-separated list of include-paths to be used while searching for
> headers. Paths not starting with / will be interpreted as relative to the
> project folder". I've tried to enter there my path, but it's still not
> working... Any idea about how it is done? Thanks in advance, S.

For that to work you need to enable the "preprocess and parse included headers
into a database" option under incremental parsing on the same page. However
that feature is experimental. The alternative is to add code completion
databases for all external libraries you want to use. Its right beside the
incremental parsing group on that page. Make sure to use the "custom importer"
and don't try to give it /usr/include with recursing into subdirectories being
on, thats just too much to handle.


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