Areas and Working Sets: why?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Dec 23 00:12:39 GMT 2009

On 22.12.09 15:11:41, Ian Miller wrote:
> For what it's worth, I like the working sets idea. The problem, though, is how the program decides a new working set should be created. I don't think a file should be added to a working set just because it's opened while that working set is active. It should require a positive action on the part of the user. You also shouldn't be able to change user sets without making an explicit request to do so.
> By changing these behaviors, people who don't want them will essentially
> never know they are there (they will have a single working set, it will
> always be empty when they start, they will always leave it empty, and
> they will never create a new one).

Thats what David (IIRC) didn't want. Because that means people who don't
know about them (i.e. didn't read about them or saw someone else using
them) will never know they exist. Hidden features are not good, especially
if the GUI to make them unhidden is hidden too (inside some nested menu


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