Line/col cursor position status is wrong

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Aug 20 20:55:06 BST 2009

On 20.08.09 22:12:18, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> I use tabs instead of spaces for indentation, but the "Line: Y Col:
> X" position status (in the top-right of KDevelop) always counts Tabs
> as a single char.  For example if the cursor is at the beginning of
> the third line, the status says "Line: 3 Col: 1".  But if I move the
> cursor to the right over a tab (which is set up to be 8 spaces),
> instead of "Line: 3 Col: 9" it says "Line: 3 Col: 2".
> I wasn't able to find a setting that restores "classic" behavior.
> Note that if I use the standalone editor "KWrite" or "Kate", it
> works as expected.  The problem only exists in KDevelop.

Interesting at least. A quick look at the code shows that both apps use
the same way of getting notified about cursor changes and use the same
way to show them. Not sure what makes the difference here...


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