Some thoughts on project options

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Mar 17 18:11:44 GMT 2008

On 17.03.08 17:02:56, Felix Homann wrote:
> in another mail today I told you about my problem with the 
> "splitheadersource" behaviour. As Andreas Pakulat kindly told me, the 
> option is well hidden in "Project Options->C++ Support->Navigation", a 
> very unlikely place, in my opinion.

But actually the right place as its completely dependant on C++ support
and thus you won't see it in any other language.

Anyway, the design problem that the language support is bound inside a
project has been solved in KDevelop4. Apart from that I don't think
we'll see this feature there again :)

> On the other hand, putting it in a project option rather than in a 
> user's option makes it difficult to share the .kdevelop file between
> developers working on the same project with different personal taste 

Thats not supported in KDevelop3 anyway, KDevelop stores various paths
in the file.

> Almost the same holds for the "Project Options->C++ Support->Code 
> Completion" tab. Those options should go somewhere into the user's settings.

Only some of them, for example which completion databases are used is
very much a project specific option, as well as the include paths you
can give there.

> (Sorry, if something similar has already been discussed, but there's no 
> way to search the mailing list..)

Huh? Both the archive on as well as our own work fine for
me for searching. But this kind of things are usually found on the
-devel list anyway.


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