"Find in files" exits with status 123 on Ubuntu Gutsy

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Oct 23 01:05:14 BST 2007

On 23.10.07 01:32:37, Christian Heimes wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > What happens if you put a couple of files into a foo.tmp and then
> > execute
> > cat foo.tmp | grep -v ....
> > 
> > Does that also produce the error? If so something with your grep, egrep
> > or xargs is wrong. Thats not a kdevelop bug.
> It works and yields the expected results when I fill .grep.tmp with a
> list of files first and invoke the search manually.
> $ find -name '*.h' -or -name '*.c' > .grep.tmp
> $ cat .grep.tmp | grep -v -e '/CVS/' -e '/SCCS/' -e '/\.svn/' \
>       -e '/_darcs/' | xargs egrep -H -n -s -e 'PyImport_'
> However the grepview plugin replaces the file with a file that contains
> only elements from the root directory of my project. recursive is enabled.
> It also works if I disable "limit search to project files". I've created
> the project by importing a svn checkout of the Python trunk.

Aaah, what type of project did you select? Unless you selected custom
makefile based C/C++ Application it can't work. Python uses a
buildsystem that KDevelop might mistake as being automake based, but it
isn't. So if you just imported it without paying attention to the
buildsystem type it might have selected automake. 

The custom makefile importer runs through all subdirs and adds all files
that match a list of wildcard-entries. These can be set at the beginning
of the import-process. At least if you use KDevelop 3.4.1 or later.


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