Proper command line build of a KDevelop project

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue May 29 18:57:47 BST 2007

On 29.05.07 18:46:24, Kovacs Peter Tamas wrote:
> My problem is that I have to supply the CXXFLAGS and the LDFLAGS 
> manually, however they are already in the .kdevelop file.
> Is there a one-liner automatic build option for KDevelop, which thakes 
> the .kdevelop file and the configuration (debug or optimized) and 
> compiles the project exactly as when I pressed 'Build' in KDevelop?

No, you could start kdevelop with the .kdevelop file and then issue
"build" via dcop, however I don't think changing the configuration is
possible via dcop.

> The trick done by KDevelop is that it supplies the flags when running 
> configure. But how can I do the same from the command line? (I mean, 
> without parsing the kdevelop file and supplying the parameters with a 
> script).

Well, if the flags are fixed for debug and optimized you could
"hardcode" them and supply them also on the commandline via

CXXFLAGS="foo" LD_FLAGS="bar" ../configure


You should emulate your heros, but don't carry it too far.  Especially
if they are dead.

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