Screen place suggestion

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun May 20 13:14:02 BST 2007

On 20.05.07 14:47:41, Leon Pollak wrote:
> The debugger's variables window uses standard tree presentation, 
> thus "Locals", "Watch", "Evaluate", etc. are presented as first level 
> elements of the tree.
> This causes them to be prepended with standard lines and "+" boxes.
> All the time without exclusion all these boxes are opened. So, the on-screen 
> place of lines+boxes is wasted without use. This is about 10mm width.
> I think it will be much more useful to remove this and give more space for 
> variables themselves, no?

Report this as wishlist bug, don't expect it to be fixed for KDevelop3
unless you present a patch.


Be careful!  Is it classified?

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