compiling problem

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Mar 28 21:16:07 BST 2007

On 28.03.07 20:49:49, iangordon wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 March 2007 22:27, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > - KDevelop version
> > - complete output, make sure to enable full compiler output under
> >   Settings->Configure KDevelop
> > - if the above doesn't tell you more, run make in your projects build
> >   directory and tell us the output of that.
> 	Thank you for very prompt reply.
> 	Kdev version is 3.3.5 (Using KDE3.5.5 "release 45" open SUSE 10.2.

Please update to the current stable version, which is 3.4.0, especially
when using qmake projects.

> 	Here is the full result of 'Building" some source ( which successfully 
> compiled in SUSE 10.0  --  I am not sure of the Kdev version ).. 
> 	The project directory does contain a makefile!
> 	cd '/home/hector/PROGRAMS/drawdemo2' && gmake -k 
> qmake -o Makefile
> Failure to open file: /home/hector/PROGRAMS/drawdemo2/Makefile
> gmake: *** [Makefile] Error 5
> gmake: Failed to remake makefile `Makefile'.

Obviously qmake cannot write the Makefile, this is rather weird. Do you
have access to the directory that contains the project? Can you do a 

touch Makefile

in the project directory?


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