C/C++ brace matching

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Mar 15 23:05:32 GMT 2007

On 15.03.07 18:40:57, barcaroller at sympatico.ca wrote:
> The last brace is not always matched, depending on how many empty lines
> there are.  If I remove two empty lines, the braces match; if I add them
> back (just a couple of newlines), the braces no longer match.  Looks like a
> bug but maybe someone could shed more light on this.

If anybody can shed light on this, its probably none of the kdevelop
developers. The reason is that KDevelop doesn't do this highlighting,
thats the job of the editor - in this case Kate. You should ask this on
kwrite-devel list, but my guess is that this is just another case were
the rather simple regex-parser that is used in Kate fails.


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