File Tree Tab

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jul 19 15:06:40 BST 2007

On 19.07.07 14:09:51, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> A good possibility is to define the project files directory and the project 
> directory separatly, this way both things are separated.
> But that is not your (kdevelop team) plans !!??

Actually we have that already. The project directory is the directory
that contains the project file (.kdevelop in KDevelop3). The project
files directory can be specified with that option. Unfortunately not all
parts of KDevelop3 adhere to that separation and put their stuff (
the .filelist for example) into the wrong dir.

How this will be included in Kdevelop4 is not decided yet. Currently
there we have project directory (containing the project file .kdev4) ==
project file directory.


It is so very hard to be an

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