new to KDevelop - compilation issue (Andreas Pakulat)

Sajjadul Islam sajis997 at
Sat Jul 14 18:49:01 BST 2007

Hello Andreas,

i tried in the console with command ls -t. The output is as follows:

sajjad at sajjad-laptop:~$ ls -t
movie                  GetDataSizes.cpp            IBL
Waaz Mahfil.MP3        GNUstep                     Various
hs_err_pid8068.log     numerical_2007              gpuray
hs_err_pid8002.log     nautilus-debug-log.txt      tone2
hs_err_pid7926.log     octave-core                 tone6
hs_err_pid7841.log     öga                         tone6bw
SajjadDoc              volume data set             tone1
KDE tutorial           terrain                     trackers
play station           SDL                         lena.jpg
MathCG                 file_boost.txt              ward_rendering
Desktop                vrjuggler_setup_manual.odt  cow.osg
NR_BYG                 The Memphis Sheiks          cow.ive
svensk                 shade                       cow.obj
number representation  pbrt_old                    multi
sizes.txt              skandia                     driver
download               p146-kettner.pdf            ft_gateway.cfm
M                      movie.xml                   manual_firefox.odt
book for vabi.odt      OpenSG_obsolete             OSG
opengl                 thesis                      Program-Library-HOWTO.pdf
QT                     OpenSC.odt                  vtkLab
wild-magic             ldlog.txt                   VR_papaer
wordList.odt           OpenSceneGraph.odt          amsn_received
GetDataSizes           image

Is that  the kind of output you are expecting?

And i didnt understand of having alias to that command. How to check that?

The main issue is that i want to convert the opengl project to KDevelop.
Before doing that i wanted to have a
inital grasp of the environment. Can you provide help on that?


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