Google Soc 2007 Project

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Jan 29 11:08:23 GMT 2007

On 28.01.07 20:45:09, Luc Trudeau wrote:
> I would like to get involve before SoC but with school and work it's hard to
> find time for another project. I saw you guys had a SVN/CVS integration
> project, that's the one the interested me since it did not seem to complex.
> I was also wondering if you guys had design or architecture document
> documenting how things were done.

Again: Please move to the kdevelop-devel list, thats where the
developers hang out most.

VCS integration is something that will completely change in kdevelop4
and we don't know yet how it will look like. For kdevelop3 there are
some smaller bugs, IIRC, that could be fixed if you're interested.

As for Architechture: There are some documents, checkout the 3.4 version
and run make apidox in the top-level dir (this is also documented on the
webpage, IIRC). Other than that is "use the source Luke" ;)


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