Google Soc 2007 Project

Luc Trudeau luc.trudeau at
Mon Jan 29 01:45:09 GMT 2007


I would like to get involve before SoC but with school and work it's hard to
find time for another project. I saw you guys had a SVN/CVS integration
project, that's the one the interested me since it did not seem to complex.
I was also wondering if you guys had design or architecture document
documenting how things were done.

thanks for answering

On 1/28/07, Jakob Petsovits <jpetso at> wrote:
> On Saturday, 27. January 2007 23:15, Luc Trudeau wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I don't know if it's the best place to post this, but I would be
> interested
> > in participating in the 2007 SoC. I was looking at the 2006 projects and
> I
> > was wondering which have been done and which are still available.
> Done:
> - Teamwork mode, by David Nolden
> (Covered in the commit digest -
> - C# support, which was my SoC project
> (
> Partly done, but has not been finished:
> - Refactoring framework, by Tom Stephenson
> (
> Bringing refactoring forward, and all the other projects from
> are still to be done, and maybe we'll still get a few more ideas for next
> year's SoC.
> That said, if you really like KDevelop, you don't need to wait for the SoC
> to
> begin, you could join right in and start working on something that you'd
> like
> to bring forward. (As seen with David Nolden and myself, having hacked on
> KDevelop before the SoC starts raises your credibility and chances to be
> selected as SoC participant a lot.)
> > I was also wondering what are the new project available for 2007.
> > I now i'm pretty early but preffer being to early than to late :)
> I think it's reasonable for the KDevelop team not to post any SoC
> suggestions
> when SoC 2007 hasn't even been announced by Google yet. When they do so,
> expect to see an updated suggestions page right away.
> Basically, my impression is that getting the basics right is more
> important
> than some of the highly ambitious projects on the suggestions list. After
> getting 3.4 out of the door, we'd really appreciate some help with getting
> KDevelop 4 to run as well as 3.4 does.
> I guess the best idea will be to post a mail to the "kdevelop-devel"
> mailing
> list, as some important developers are not subscribed to the "kdevelop"
> one.
> If you've got IRC, you're also advised to give #kdevelop a visit. Look out
> for
> Alexander Dymo (adymo), Matt Rogers (mattr), Jens Dagerbo (teatime) and
> Andreas Pakulat (apaku), they are the ones that are currently driving
> KDevelop development.
> Have fun,
>   Jakob
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> kdevelop mailing list
> kdevelop at

Luc Trudeau

Ecole de Technologie Superieure
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