importing a project

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Jan 6 12:58:45 GMT 2007

On 05.01.07 20:24:58, datax wrote:
> This u-boot project is using the production source code for the embedded linux 
> bootloader from It is a project that is well behaved. It's just that 
> KDevelop cannot seem to deal with it.

Did you try KDEvelop3.4? Although the Parser itself didn't get improved
AFAIK, the stuff that runs the parser has been improved.

> I admit that this is a cross compilation project, so maybe KDevelop needs to 
> understand ARCH=pp, CROSS_COMPILE=ppc_85xx- and other environment variables.
> Perhaps someone could help me understand how cross compilation notions are 
> used within KDevelop.

KDevelop doesn't need this cross-compilation stuff, it only parses C/C++
Code and that is totally independent of the target architecture.


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