Starting trouble with KDevelop

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Dec 21 08:14:31 GMT 2007

On 21.12.07 01:49:21, Daniel Spies wrote:
> It seems there are three different "indentations" inside KDevelop. One of the 
> embedded editor, one of KDevelop itseld and one unknown, maybe the 
> tool "indent" or something... The strange thing starts here: I disabled the 
> auto indentation of the embedded editor to let KDevelop do this (Settings - 
> Editor - Indentation - indentation mode - none). After that I enabled the 
> indentation of KDevelop (Settings - KDevelop - Formatting - Set up as 
> wished). No I assume everything is fine, but there is no autoindentation at 
> all!

Right, KDevelop doesn't do any auto-indentation, all it does is run
astyle over your code when you choose the "Format" or "format Files"
Menu items. Auto-Indentation is completely done by the editor (which you
just turned off).

> And if I right-click the text and the click "Format selection" It's 
> getting even more strange: The code is formatted in some such ugly way I 
> never chose somewhere.

There are two places to configure the astyle options for that, one under
Settings and if you have a project open the project-specific settings
override those set under Settings. See Project->Project


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