KDevelop4 under windows

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Apr 28 12:09:56 BST 2007

On 28.04.07 01:08:59, dukju ahn wrote:
> 2007/4/26, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Good news: I managed to build and run KDevelop and load a project into
> > it. You can have a first look here:
> > http://www.apaku.de/vardata/kdev_windows.png
> >
> > There are still some things that are broken (for example we don't have
> > konsole under windows) and svn and teamwork plugins are not compiled yet
> > and the application templates don't show up.
> Good. But can you let us know why svn plugin were not compiled?
> Is it because of the svn-library problem? or KDevelop's plugin compile error?

Because the CMake macro's failed to find Subversion on my first few
attempts to build KDevelop. My main goal until now was to be able to
build KDevelop4 and run it including opening a project. Everything else
wasn't top-priority so I skipped it. I will look into it (hopefully
during this extended weekend - may 1st is a holiday here).


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