Ctags remember deleted file

leonp at plris.com leonp at plris.com
Thu Sep 21 07:37:52 BST 2006

On Wednesday, 20 בSeptember 2006 23:59, Jens Dagerbo wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 September 2006 17:42, leonp at plris.com wrote:
> > Hello, all.
> >
> > I am working with thelast release of kdevelop
> 3.3.4? Or 3.4.0 beta 2? Ctags support has changed a bit in 3.4..
Ooops!! Version 3.3.3 is the last yum update provides...

> > (BTW, when will be the next  release? I am so impatient...:-)))
> Good question. Hopefully soon. Please try the betas. :)
OK, I shall. If the matter is the result of old version - please, say.

> > Now, I have deleted some files from the project. When i do any operation
> > with ctags, it complains all the time that the files are absent. I even
> > did the find/grep from the project root directory - no reminiscences
> > about deleted file names inside any files (makefiles, Po, etc..).
> > So, where this ctags sees these names?
> How does it complain? As far as I can see, if you attempt to open  a file
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file: "file name": No such file or 

> which does not exist, KDevelop will silently ignore it (except for the
> debug output, which will report the failure).
No, no. I do not want to open it (and can not - it is deleted). I just do 
search in f"find in files" or ask ctags to regenerate. Result is the same.

May be this can help: the file(s) was attached to the project via link, as it 
is in another (then project directory). Then it was deleted from the project 
and there is no more links.
Reconfigure and recompilation passes fine.

Thanks for the reply.

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