Integrating QT Designer and KDevelop
Peter M. Groen
pgroen at
Fri Mar 31 14:50:32 BST 2006
On Friday 31 March 2006 15:36, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 31.03.06 06:16:15, Lugg William H Civ 309 SMXG/MXDCE wrote:
> > I recently installed Qt 4.1.2 on my SuSE 10 box. I've noticed that when
> > I open a .ui file from within KDevelop, it still uses the old Qt Designer
> > (Qt v3.3.4, I think). Is there a way to tell KDevelop to run Qt 4.1.2's
> > version of Designer instead?
> No, because the integration doesn't really run Qt's designer (for 3.x).
> Afaik its more of a hack to macke Designer work inside kdevelop.
> KDevelop4 will have better integration, as Qt4's designer is geared
> towards that.
> For Qt4 development in Kdevelop3.x you have to use the separate
> designer.
> Andreas
It is however possible to add designer [Qt4] to your "tools" bar..
Peter M. Groen
Open Systems Development
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