Library with nested source file structure

Ingolf Steinbach Ingolf.Steinbach at
Fri Jun 30 09:01:52 BST 2006


I'm trying to convert a static library to kdevelop which
has the following structure:

    |  +-modulea
    |  |  +-x.h   // public header
    |  |  +-y.h   // public header
    |  +-moduleb
    |     +-x.h   // public header
       |  +-a1.cpp
       |  +-z.h   // private (noinst) header
       |  +-a2.cpp
       |  +-m.cpp
          +-z.h   // private (noinst) header

Files with the same name in different subdirectories are
not identical.

The project should create *one* library, libfoo.a, together
with the public headers in the specified directory structure.

How would I handle this situation in kdevelop? Is it possible
to create an automake based project for this?

Kind regards

Ingolf Steinbach                       Jena-Optronik GmbH
ingolf.steinbach at       ++49 3641 200-147
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