Getting rid of writting C++ boilerplate code

Jakob Petsovits jpetso at
Mon Jul 3 21:37:45 BST 2006

On Monday, 3. July 2006 21:26, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Also it sounds from your description as you want this to work while
> typing, I don't think that is a good idea because it potentially slows
> down typing. I think a keyboard shortcut for both, that takes the
> current position in the file as context is better, i.e. activating
> rename when beiing somewhere at a method opens up a dialog to rename
> that method...

In opposition, I think that this kind of feature should indeed happen 
automatically, otherwise you're quicker doing it by hand.

It would be perfectly ok to only have it applied after a short time of no 
keyboard input (say, 1 second or 2), then it doesn't distract typing.
Also, Katepart should really be fast enough to handle this simultaneously.
(It doesn't even have to be saved, that normally happens on build when you 
need it, so no slowdown by slow hard disks.)


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