KDevelop 3.4 RC2

Leon Pollak leonp at plris.com
Wed Dec 27 10:25:20 GMT 2006

On Thursday 21 December 2006 14:30, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> Hello,
> KDevelop 3.4 RC2 got released. Only source packages are available now.
Thanks for the announcement.

> It contains many new features and a 256 less bugs.
>  There are two deprecations:
>  - No more MDI interface modes, the only mode available is "simpleIDEAl"
As we are forced to use this "simpleIDEAl" mode (although the full IDEAl was 
much better even with bugs), then, please, answer some questions:
1. How the tabs spread over the screen sides is defined (I mean why, for 
example, diff is at the bottom)?
2. How I can close unnecessary tabs (for example, application tab)?
3. How/where is defined that, for example, bottom tab is spread over all 
bottom part of the screen, while left and right are overlapped by bottom? If 
I want, for example, "automake manager" to occupy all the column till the 
last pixel and not be overlapped by, for example, application - how this may 
be done?

Thanks a lot ahead.

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