KMDI bugs (Was: Remarks on 3.3.93)

kitts kitts.mailinglists at
Tue Dec 12 18:07:35 GMT 2006

On Monday 11 December 2006 21:54 IST, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> But it doesn't really disturb me, because its just 1 shortcut to hit
> (well twice), to close the view and the many bugs KMDI has outweigh that
> minor inconvience.

Im curious. What are these serious bugs in KMDI affecting the IDEAL mode. 
The only bug im really aware of is that sometimes along the lower edge when 
the docks span into 2 ore more rows, the status bar overlaps and hence the 
lower set of docks are not visible.

Besides that space used in IDEAL is more. what is really different between 
the IDEAL and simple modes?

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