Unicode, wxString, wxChar *, TCHAR *, QString etc.
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Wed Apr 19 17:48:15 BST 2006
On 19.04.06 17:06:10, Alex Bligh wrote:
> Now, I know it would be unrealistic to hope for an IDE which understood
> every possible string class, especially when the underlying debugger
> (gdb) appears deaf to unicode, but given I'm told kdevelop will
> examine a QString, is it possible to extend this functionality?
Yes, examining QStrings is done in terms of gdb-macros and is contained
in a file in the kdesdk modules called kde-devel-gdb. The macro for
QString looks like this:
define printqstring
printqstringdata $arg0.d
document printqstring
Prints the contents of a QString
define printqstringdata
set $i=0
set $d = (QStringData *)$arg0
while $i < $d->len
printf "%c", (char)($d->unicode[$i++].ucs & 0xff)
printf "\n"
document printqstringdata
Prints the contents of a QStringData
This is useful when the output of another command (e.g. printqmap)
shows {d = 0xdeadbeef} for a QString, i.e. the qstringdata address
instead of the QString object itself.
printqstring $s and printqstringdata $s.d are equivalent.
So you need to know the "internal" layout of the string class, i.e.
QString has a private buffer with ucs chars and the macro just iterates
over it and displays the characters. There seems to also be a separate
macro for utf8-output...
You single-handedly fought your way into this hopeless mess.
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