Subversion integration.

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Oct 2 00:01:37 BST 2005

On 01.10.05 21:26:24, Kitts wrote:
> On Saturday 01 Oct 2005 9:04 pm IST, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> AP> Also activating the subversion support makes kdevelop crash when it
> AP> starts and loads a project. The support is just broken.
> This happened to me once, but never again. I am not sure if they are 
> related.

They are, I can reproduce this by just moving out
of lib/kde3 and back again. If it is there and thus subversion support
is enabled (the project file activates it) then after loading the
project kdevelop crashes. IIRC I need to have the file-manager-sidebar
open, but I'm not sure. If I remove the .so everythings fine again.

I'm using Kdevelop HEAD with KDE 3.4.2. I also reported both bugs, but
(nearly) no response...


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